Sunday, December 29, 2019

Michael Jackson Sang The Famous Line, If You Wan Na Make...

If humanity takes the time to sit down and internalize, one of the questions coming to mind has to do with why is it often afraid of change? Change is in fact a big theme in the 1987 hit song â€Å"The Man in the Mirror † (Appendix E), where the late artist Michael Jackson sang the famous line, â€Å"If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.† Fast forward to a modern-day 2016 filled with political unrest, poverty, and waning human rights, Michael Jackson’s message of self-reflection eventually translating into social change finds its relevancy today, despite the song s thirty-years-old tenure. It introduces the notion that all individuals in society are essentially human, even in spite of humanity s tendency to demonize other belief systems. Even Saint Mother Theresa agreed with this point, once saying that â€Å"if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.† The only way to reconcile the fact that differences don’t corrupt our humanity is in society’s willingness to be flexible to different points of view and recognize the structures of prejudice in a modern context. What then is the harm in paring away our egos to realize that we all have something to bring to the table? Forms of art that even attempt to evoke this message of solidarity include poetry, which in itself is a free medium that poets utilize to express their thoughts and emotions. Langston Hughes, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Maya Angelou, and

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Bullying Is A Common And Serious Issue - 1218 Words

What is teachers’ role in the school? Bullying is a common and serious issue in many schools these days and bullying is not only the United States’ but also in other countries’ problem. Basically, bullying prevents students from feeling safe in schools and also it prevents developing positive self-concepts. The longer bullying goes on, the more the students are affected. In handling bullying problems, teacher’s role is the most important to prevent bulling because teachers can directly interact with all students in their classes. Therefore, teachers should be aware of the possibilities of bullying all the time and have abilities to stop bullying in their classes. However, many teachers do not know how to deal with the problem and do not even notice there is bullying in their classes unless bullying is explicitly revealed. Teachers need to find effective ways of dealing with bullying in their classes to help their students. Social interactions in school are very important to children. Through interactions with peer groups, Children develop their emotional stabilities, social skills and positive self-concepts. Therefore, the experiences of alienation from peers can be traumatic for children and damage their emotional, academic and even physical developments. According to the U.S Department of health and Human Services (DHHS), 1 in 3 U.S students day they have been bullied at school. In the United States, the bullying problems are increasing. According to Bullying Statistics,Show MoreRelatedBullying Effects900 Words   |  4 PagesCauses and Effects of Bullying Every year, approximately 7 percent of students report to being bullied (â€Å"Physical†). Most people know bullying is wrong, but it continues to play a dominating role in the lives of adolescents. Whether the bullying was done by spreading rumors, calling someone names or through the Internet, there are many different causes of bullying, why it occurs, and how it effects the victim. The causes of bullying can influence how the bully decides to target a victim. VictimsRead MoreThe Internet and Cyberbullying Essay576 Words   |  3 PagesCyber Bullying Nowadays, the Internet is regarded as the most widely used source of social media and the fastest way to exchange knowledge and information all over the world, playing a vital role in everyone’s daily life. The internet has countless functions, useful for everyday work and entertainment, but it is being abused by people nowadays. One of the ways it is being abused is by cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is when people use the internet to make fun of others, belittle them, andRead MoreCyber Bullying And Social Media1110 Words   |  5 Pages In today s world Social Media is playing a key role on how youth interact and mature. Just a generation ago, the average person didn’t have internet and computers were not common (Social Media Bullying, 2014). Fast forward to the present day and it has become less common for a person to not have a computerised device in their palm or pocket. With the ease of access to a social world comes upsides and downsides to the way our society has shifted and evolved. The mass use of media allows individualsRead MoreAdolescent Depression And Its Effects1339 Words   |  6 Pageshelps me understand the results or tragic outcomes which made me value this issue. Providing me with graphs, rates, discussions and informing me with important information about adolescent depression. The information authors provided me answered me many questions I had and laid out information that help me prove my point of adolescent issue. However my target is to prove that depression in adolescents is a serious issue because it is evolving everyday leading to discouragement, internal conflictRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Society1537 Words   |  7 PagesBullying has been going on for generations, it’s not a new topic. That doesn’t mean times haven’t changed. New technology has made it possible for people to bully one another without even having to be near them. This is called â€Å"Cyber Bullyingâ₠¬ . Teens are turning electronic devices into â€Å"weapons† by using social networking websites, chat rooms, text messaging, and even more ways possible. Through this they call each other names, demean each other, and even threaten each other. Kids are put in seriousRead MoreBullying Is Not New, And It?1638 Words   |  7 Pagespicked on. However, when does it come to the point of bullying? The topic of bullying is not new, and it happens to more teenagers than what we would like to think. Bullying can be defined as verbal, emotional, or physical abuse by means of threatening, intimidating, or frightening someone smaller or weaker than the aggressor. Bullying can also involve exclusion, such as a group of friends forming a clique and excluding others from their group. Bullying can be a hidden disease viciously preying on itsRead MoreBullying As An Acceptable Schoolyard1486 Words   |  6 PagesWhen people say â€Å"bully†, the image of the mean kid on the playground who wants to take your lunch money or force you to do their homework comes to mind. However, this perception of bullying as an acceptable schoolyard â€Å"rite of passage† is incredibly antiquated and hardly encompasses the seriousness of the issue that â€Å"bullying† has become. Bullies today are much crueler; they may carry weapons on school campuses, and thanks to social media, can follow the victim into their homes. In some of the most extremeRead MoreNegative And Negative Impact s Of Bullying Essay951 Words   |  4 Pagesnature of bullying presents some challenges to accurately determining either its prevalence or severity. Both the positive and negative social interactions of school aged children may be misinterpreted by peers or by education professionals. Additionally, victims and perpetrators of bullying may be less likely to provide truthful responses to research inquiries out of fear of retaliation from peers or school personnel. In spite of these challenges, numerous recent studies on bullying have producedRead MoreBullying in School Should Not be Taken Lightly Essay1709 Words   |  7 Pages Among all of the problems, bullying is likely to be the most serious and probably the worst. Statistics show that one in seven children in grades K-12 have either been bullied or are a bully. It’s likely that the issue of bullying is most common among teens. It is said that 30% of teens have been involved in bullying, as either the bully or the victim . Bullying is also common in the college and workplaces but it is now where as serious as teen bullying. This bullying is sort of taken lightly, itRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1738 Words   |  7 Pagesof cyber bullying, unrealistic body images, pressure to look a certain way and the pressure to always be available and our youth is showing serious repercussions of the social media world that we are living in. Teen’s unawareness of just how much power social media has over their lives is terrifying and dangerous. Multiple studies conducted help us to realize how social media can impact large issues such as eating disorders, self-esteem issues, depression, and other psychological issues (2014).

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Aging Workforce in Singapore

Question: Discuss about theAging Workforce in Singapore. Answer: Introduction The recent times has seen the workforce and the way the work is done changing drastically. The use of the new collaborative, the social technologies, and its application is reshaping on the way business operations is occurring (Ball, 2011). The next generation, which is regarded as generation Y, is clearly different from the previous predecessor in various and sundry ways: this is in regards to age distributions in different countries, geographical dispersion, and uneven skill distribution worldwide (Ball, 2011). The use the term next generation workers acknowledges on the influx of the younger employees into the workforce, but they also recognizes that they will be working differently over the years ahead. The workers from the older generation are postponing retirement while the more youthful accomplices of generation Y are going into the workforce (Burke, Cooper Field, 2013). The intergeneration contrasts are said to have arisen into the multi-generational workforce. Nonetheless, there have been prejudice against the older generations, which has also affected the young generation (Cogin, 2012). The intergenerational tension among the generation is more acute for the ones that has widest age gap such as generation Y employees in comparison to the Baby Boomers and the traditionalists. In the recent literature, it has shown how the leadership has changed in the organizations and the way it has resulted from the new dynamics of the intergenerational tension especially when the young employees manage the older employees (Duxbury, 2006). The purpose of the essay is to break down on the issue of generational differences inside the associations and the different effect on hierarchical advanc ement procedure. The examination will be situated in the Singapore nation setting. Aging Workforce in Singapore Singapore is one of the nation that has been confronting the financial impact of the maturing populace. It is one of the Asia speediest maturing populace and it is evaluated that one in the six living arrangement will be no less than sixty-five years old by year 2020 this is as per the Straits times (Cogin, 2012). Taking into account the work drive study in Singapore more than the more established individuals were in the livelihood in year 2011 in contrast with the earlier year that was 61.2% being utilized. Numerous organizations in Singapore are permitting the representatives to work past the period of statutory 62 years and they have tasteful work execution and the therapeutic wellness as the re-occupation criteria (Duxbury, 2006). The more seasoned individuals have additionally been inspired to keep on working as a result of the money related perspective and the should be alive. Multi-Generational Workforce As the more seasoned people are staying longer to the workforce, the more youthful Era Y additionally are entering to the workforce universally. In Singapore, the generation Y contributes to around 60% of the workforce (Klun, 2008). In Singapore inside the common administrations, the quantity of generation Y employees have dwarfed the workforce of the older generation. The multi-generational workforce has been highlighted to bring many benefits such as the workplace productivity, innovation and creativity, reduced turn over in the organization, talent attraction, and the increased competitive advantage (Leibold Voelpel, 2007). In Singapore, many of the employees are viewing the multi-generation teams as an effective way of the improvement of the performance of the organization. Ageism in the Workplace Ageism has been regarded as the prejudice or the discrimination based on the age, more so against the older employees. Despite the aspects of promotion of age friendly policies in the workplace by the government, the ageism has continued to affect the older employees. The young individuals are described as being less accommodative and are more prone to undervaluing of the older employees experiences (Nankervis, Compton, Baird Coffey, 2011). On the other hand, the older people could likewise see the more youthful representatives adversely, for example, considering them untrustworthy or conflicting on their work deliverables. Impacts of Generational Diversity on the Organizational Development Strategy Diversity, which is a subset of the organizational development of recent, has gained a vital prominence. Identification of the generation differences has become the forefront issue for the creation of the healthy dynamics in the organization (Lyons Kuron, 2014). In each generation of the organization, they all have unique set of beliefs, value and the assumptions. Every individual has unique personal history, which in effect creates on the set of filters and how they communicate with others. Flexibility in the organizational structure is essentially the key element for embracing the generational differences (Ng, Lyons Schweitzer, 2012). There is need to evolve on new organizational development principles in order to reflect on the need of influencing the development strategy. Generational diversity has impact on the organizational development strategy on the work life balance. This aspect been ranked highest across generations (Stevens, 2010). On the current literature, it indicate s that employees with different generations seek the work life balance. The more established individuals in Singapore consider rejoining the workforce particularly when there are employments with the low maintenance and adaptable work courses of action. Generational diversity has influenced how individual balance on their work life. The generation Y, they want the balance in the pursuit of their careers at a personal level. Additional organizational diversity has enhanced on the meaningful and interest for the work (Scott-Ladd, Travaglione, Perryer Pick, 2010). The generational differences helps to value meaningful and interest to the work among themselves. According to Lancaster (2002) suggests that the generation Y employees are more motivated than the older generations. This individual need to help the community through the work they undertake. They are also more mindful for the employers involvement especially in their corporate social responsibility efforts. Additionally, gene rational diversity has influenced provision of the benefits. The trend of the benefits increases in significance especially to the older generations. The employees become more concerned in regards to their health as they age (Klun, 2008). The older employees prefer the benefits such as the extended medical coverage and the retirement packages that are generous while the Y generation they prefer more the annual leave and the flexible work hours in Singapore. The generational diversity in organization has led to the knowledge transfer. As the veteran and the Baby Boomers reach the age of retirement, the element of knowledge has become vital to the organization. It would become significant to pass the intellectual capital of the experienced employees to generation Y who would be the new leaders in future (Klun, 2008). To achieve this there is need for a focus on communication, documentation and there should formation of relationship that facilitates the transfer of this vital knowledge . Technique for Management of Generation Diversity Various strategies can be used by organization in the management of the generational diversity in the workplace thus be able to impact positive on the development strategies. One of the technique to use is focusing on the goals and set expectations that are clear (Duxbury, 2006). Each of the generation approach to work differ, and each has their strength, which the other does not possess. A clear goal and expectation should be put on every generation. Another way is through mentoring and inclusion. There is need to encourage each generation in mentoring one another (Collinson, 2014). Each of the generation brings their own strength, experience and the knowledge in the workplace. The aspect of inclusion helps to achieving the differences as leverage for maximum results. Conclusion The businesses are starting to perceive what propels every generation. They have created communication tools that has specific end goal to minimize on the contention, dynamic HR and the work life methodologies keeping in mind the end goal to draw in and hold on the key ability as well as the management practices that help to enhance on the productivity. The human resource through internal research could play a strategic role in the organization where they identify the percentage of the workers that are within each of the generation and gather on information in regards to their work and the non-work related priorities. The data that would be gathered will help in the development of strategies for the purpose of recruitment, retention and engagement, which is in line with the demographic and related variable in the industry. There is need for the organizations in Singapore to gather information on how to effectively motivate the multi-generational workforce. They can achieve this throu gh offering training and the development program that would tune on the preferred work style to the various generations. References Ball, K. (2011). Surviving the Baby Boomer Exodus: Capturing Knowledge for Gen X Y Employees. Cengage Learning. Burke, R. J., Cooper, C., Field, J. (2013). The aging workforce: Individual, organizational and societal opportunities and challenges. Aging, work and society, 1-20. Cogin, J. (2012). Are generational differences in work values fact or fiction? Multi-country evidence and implications. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(11), 2268-2294. Collinson, C. (2014). The retirement readiness of three unique generations: Baby boomers,generation X, and millennials. Duxbury, L. (2006). You, Me, and Them: Dealing with Generational Differences in the Workplace. Unpublished manuscript, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University. Ottawa, Canada. Klun, S. (2008). Work?life balance is a cross?generational concernand a key to retaining high performers at Accenture. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 27(6), 14-20. Leibold, M., Voelpel, S. C. (2007). Managing the aging workforce: Challenges and solutions. John Wiley Sons. Lyons, S., Kuron, L. (2014). Generational differences in the workplace: A review of the evidence and directions for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(S1), S139-S157. Nankervis, A., Compton, R., Baird, M., Coffey, J. (2011). Human resource management: strategy and practice. Melbourne: Cengage. Ng, E., Lyons, S. T., Schweitzer, L. (Eds.). (2012). Managing the new workforce: International perspectives on the millennial generation. Edward Elgar Publishing. Scott-Ladd, B., Travaglione, A., Perryer, C., Pick, D. (2010). Attracting and retaining talent:Social organisational support as an emergent concept. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 18(2). Stevens, R. H. (2010). Managing human capital: How to use knowledge management to transfer knowledge in today's multi-generational workforce. International Business Research, 3(3), 77.